21點技巧 - An Overview


赢钱速度“大博小”快多了! 前面不是讲过“久赌必赢的游戏应该选波动性小的”吗? 说的就是这个了。现实中,爱玩“小博大”的多半是赌客。谁爱玩“大博小”呢? 赌场!华尔街的职业投资家们很多玩的也是“大博小”,因为便于使用杠杆(押大赌注)。关于这点后面还要详细讲。

Hello, my identify is Zhara O’Brien and I are practising the artwork of tarot playing cards for just a little in excess of five years now.

The next time the thing is 21:21, choose it to be a cue to breathe deeply and join with the internal self. Use this time to silent the noise of daily life and hear the whispers of your coronary heart.

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第四,得到历史胜算,也就是未来的期望收益(expectation),用最终收益,除以风险投入。优秀的仓位管理技巧都来自赌场经验。在这方面最为著名的是 凯利公式:

When 21:21 flashes right before your eyes, it’s a perfect minute to practice mindfulness. This might be described as 21點基本策略 a signal to peaceful the brain and come to be far more attuned into the messages the universe is sending. Here are some strategies to assist you to harness this Power:

21:21 will also be a marker of karmic lessons. It'd reveal that a cycle is coming to an close, bringing with it a sense of closure and the assure of a fresh commencing. Pay attention to recurring themes in your daily life; they could be clues to the lessons your soul is here to discover.


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